martedì 15 settembre 2009


Second Cultura Conference on Web-based Intercultural Exchanges, National Foreign Language Resource Center, The University of Hawai’i at Manoa October 10 and 11, 2009. Virtual Presentation via Skype: Panel 4: The tools: which seem most appropriate for intercultural exchanges? Do different tools lead to different types of interactions?

CercleS seminar: The role of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in higher education, Padova, Italy 17-19 September 2009. Presentation in a parallel session: Promoting Multiliteracies in the foreign language curriculum through Telecollaboration, with Francesca Helm.

EUROCALL 2009 Conference - New Trends in CALL: working together, Gandìa, Spain 9-12 September 2009. Presentation in the Symposium New Trends in Telecollaboration -Multiple competences, literacies, policies and practices: A framework for integrating multiliteracies objectives and pedagogy into telecollaboration, with Francesca Helm.

EUROCALL CMC SIG Event: Researching Computer Mediated Communication in Foreign Language Education: Issues and Methods, Leon, Spain 23-25 April 2009. Presentation in a parallel session: Skype and the Web: How learners develop new online literacies to promote learning in telecollaboration with Francesca Helm and Nicoletta Marini-Maio.

NAFSA 2009 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, 24-29 May 2009. Virtual Presentation: Internationalize Your University and Engage Faculty Through Virtual Mobility: Telecollaboration at UniPD.

COIL Conference: Collaborations in International Online Learning Environments - How to Make them Work! Purchase, NY, USA 14 November 2008. Invited keynote speaker: The Multi-Faceted Focus of International Collaborations.

10th International CercleS Conference – Sevilla, Spain 18-20 September 2008. Presentation in a parallel session with Cloke, S.: Interculture Wiki: Promoting Language Learning and Intercultural Communication Using Web 2.0; with Castello, E.: Effective Test Development: the Process Used to Develop Computer-Based Language Tests at the University of Padova

EUROCALL 2008 Conference – CALL: New Competencies and Social Spaces - Székesfehérvár, Hungary 3-6 September 2008. Presentation in a parallel session: Developing a Personal Learning Environment for Language Learning Using Web 2.0 Tools.

AILA 2008 – Multilingualism: Challenges and Opportunities – Essen, Germany 24-29 August 2008. Presentation in a parallel session: The Interculture Wiki Project.
EDEN Annual Conference, 2008 - New Learning Cultures: How do we learn? Where do we learn? – Lisbon, Portugal 11-14 June 2008. Presentation in a parallel session: Developing the Intercultural Communicator Using Web 2.0 Tools.

XII Seminario AICLU – IL TESTING LINGUISTICO: METODI, PROCEDURE E SPERIMENTAZIONI - UDINE, 8-10 May 2008. Presentation with Castello, E. Sviluppi del progetto TAL (Test di Abilità Linguistica): creazione, gestione e monitoraggio di test a vari livelli di competenza per l’Ateneo patavino.

Online Educa Berlin 2007: 13th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training – Berlin, 28-30 November 2007. Presentation in a parallel session: Wikis in Education: Public, Semi-Public or Private, Which is Best?

WikiSym 2007 International Symposium on Wikis: Wikis at Work in the World: Open, Organic, Participatory Media for the 21st Century – Montreal, Canada, October 21-23, 2007. Presentation in a parallel session: Wikis in Education: Is Public Better?

Eurocall 2007: Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages Through Technology, - Coleraine, Ireland, 5-8 September 2007. Poster entitled: Learning English Using Social Software.

Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for speakers of English as an Additional Language - Tenerife, 11-13 January 2007. Presentation in a parallel session: Collaborative Learning in an Asynchronous Online Scientific Writing Course.

Online Educa Berlin 2006: 12th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training – Berlin, 28 November -1 December 2006. Presentation in a parallel session: Wikis and blogs: Teaching English to the ‘Net Generation’

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